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Our Staff

Rabbi Choni Friedman

Rabbi Choni Friedman


Rabbi Friedman is the Rov and spiritual leader of Kehilas Bnai Emunoh Chabad and directs the Chabad Mosdos in the Greenfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Since his assuming this role 11 years ago, the Chabad community has grown to over 60 families. Throughout the years he has been involved in teaching classes, Farbrenging, educating and advising people of all ages. Under his guidance many programs and projects have been initiated and built.

Rabbi Moshe Aaron Giezinsky

Rabbi Moshe Aaron Giesinsky


Rabbi Geisinsky has a passion and experience in guiding bochurim in an individualized way. He was a Shliach in Argentina Zal and afterwards a meishiv and dorm counselor in Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad Los Angeles. He learned with bochurim one on one as a Shliach in Oholei Torah and as a Kolel yungerman in Chovevei Torah. He also has experience teaching in various yeshivos kayitz.

Rabbi Ephraim Lerner

Rabbi Ephraim Lerner

Rosh Yeshiva

Rabbi Lerner is a Maggid Shiur and Mashpia in Pittsburgh Mesivta teaching  both Niglah and Chassidus. He was a Shliach in Yeshiva Gedolah Melbourne and received Smicha from the Rabbinical College of America - Tomchei Temimim Morristown. He learned in Kollel Mayon Yisrael in Flatbush where the Kollel Yungerliet engaged with the community through both giving shiurim as well as chavrusa learning. Rabbi Lerner strives to provide students with the necessary tools for their continued learning in the future and to imbue the bochurim with Chassidishe Hanachos and a positive outlook on living as a Chabad Chassid should.

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Rabbi Dovid Markel


Rabbi Markel brings with him a wealth of experience, having previously served as a beloved Mashpia and Maggid shiur at Yeshivas Achei Temimim of Pittsburgh. He has also imparted his knowledge at the men's and women's Mayanot programs in Yerushalayim, and served as a Maggid shiur in the Zal of Yeshivas Lubavitch Toronto. Additionally, he has made significant contributions as a senior editor for JLI, playing a key role in the development of numerous successful courses. Dovid is also the co-founder of the Neirot Institute, which boasts over 50 translated Chassidic works on, where he has authored hundreds of insightful articles on Chassidic thought. Furthermore, he has pursued studies and research towards a Ph.D. in Jewish Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. He currently serves as a Meishiv for the Kollel Dach under Merkos Suite 302.

Rabbi Markel will be joining Rabbi Moshe Aaron Geisinsky as a mashpia in the new Zal. His responsibilities will include delivering in-depth shiurim in Chassidus, regularly hosting Farbrengens, engaging in one-on-one discussions with bochurim, and developing cohesive curriculums on central topics in Chassidus and other intriguing subjects.


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